Seattle English Country Dance

Court Dancers

Seattle Ball

Each year, the Seattle English Country Dance community sponsors a fancy dress Ball. At this event, many dancers from places near and far dress well, dance beautifully, and try to gain some of the feeling of a time when everyone was polite, there was no Internet and no cellphones, and all still managed to have a great deal of fun.

Event Details

Community Dance February 21, 2025, 7:30pm (newcomers @ 7:00)
Seattle Ball
February 22,  2025
Workshop 12:30-3, Ball 7pm
Location Latvian Community Center, Seattle
Dancing Master Kalia Kliban
Music Dave Bartley, Ruthie Dornfeld, Terry Wergeland
Sunday Brunch February 23, 2025


Registration is not yet open

Dance Program

Click on the title above to see the list of dances.

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